
Financial assurance perspective — Lessons learnt managing long-term liabilities

With unfunded closure and decommissioning liabilities in the trillions and growing rapidly, operators face unique challenges in responsibly winding up assets that have reached the end of their productive lives. In our whitepaper we probe lessons from the pensions industry that can be applied to ensure closure obligations are met.

Industry perspective — Mining

The mining industry finds itself in the midst of two overlapping super-cycles. The rise of China is being followed by global demand for the metals needed to build next-generation infrastructure. High commodity prices are good for business. They have however made it difficult for miners to source adequate high-quality risk financing capacity from traditional insurance markets. Inflation will only make this worse. In our perspective we explore the risk financing challenges the industry is facing and describe the opportunities new technologies and approaches present to meet them.

Financing perspective — Rapid captive scaling

“Rapid scaling” is a term usually associated with the start-up community as they look to transform VC provided finance into the next big tech operation. It’s a term rarely heard in the insurance community and even less so in the captive community. In our opinion, captives are in fact entities that rapidly need to scale. Their customers — core business operations, need their support more than ever. And changing regulatory, tax and market environments necessitate rapid change. In our perspective, we explore how captives can be scaled effectively to maximise capital efficiency without putting in place large permanent expert teams.

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